Shift register 74hc595

Using a Shift register Reasons for using a shift register: A shift register is a device which takes a serial input and provides a parallel output. The most common application is as a port expansion. Often you find yourself with too few pins when using a microcontroller, this is where a shift register comes in,…

Rondane by Night

Image showing the visible constellations on the night This image is obained using the astrometry package. [code lang=”bash”] $solve-field –guess-scale –downsample 2 ~/20100925t23395090.jpg –overwrite [/code] The output by the solver for one of the three images in the panorama: [code lang=”bash”] Reading input file 1 of 1: "/home/renec/20100925t23395090.jpg"… jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE Read file stdin:…

Characterisation And Calibration Of Optical Tweezers

Characterisation and Calibration of Optical Tweezers [Mirror1] Optical Tweezer code Abstract Using the optical tweezers, three different methods of calibrating the trap stiffness were performed: power spectrum fit, sinusoidal movement and finally a flow method. Iinitally in order to understand the equipment I have attempted to characterize the components of the optical tweezers. This involved measurements…

Dipolar Ordering Of Clay Particles In Various Carrior Fluids

Dipolar Ordering of Clay Particles in Various Carrior Fluids  [Mirror] Z. Rozynek, H. Mauroy, R. C. Castberg, K. D. Knudsen and J. O. Fossum We investigate here examples of complexity in composite materials. The objective of the paper is to show that clay particles can be aligned in different hosting media, such as: silicone oil,…

Clay Alignment In Electric Fields

Clay Alignment in Electric Fields [Local Mirror] R. C. Castberg, Z. Rozynek, J. O. Fossum, K. J. Måløy, P. Dommersnes and E. G. Flekkøy The response of rotational alignment of lithium fluorohectorite (Li-Fh) to an external electric field has been studied by employing image analysis. Large aggregates consisting of many single clay particles were prepared using…