Rondane by Night

Image showing the visible constellations on the night This image is obained using the astrometry package. [code lang=”bash”] $solve-field –guess-scale –downsample 2 ~/20100925t23395090.jpg –overwrite [/code] The output by the solver for one of the three images in the panorama: [code lang=”bash”] Reading input file 1 of 1: "/home/renec/20100925t23395090.jpg"… jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE Read file stdin:…

Venus Transit 06 June 2012

To my horror when i got up at 04:49 the sky was completely clouded, and thought that this once in a lifetime opportunity had passed. Fortunately an hour later it was good enough to see the transit. And then final contact at around 06:51. The transit of venus, from sunrise, around 04:34 to last contact…

Moon Size on Film

Moon size with different leses The following images are 100% crops of the moon, taken with a Nikon D70s at different focal lengths. The Nikon has a 1.5 crop factor, so to get a similar image in 35mm film, you need to multiply by 1.5. Focal lengths marked TC are taken with a 2x teleconverter,…

Auora Borialis

You would think that living in Norway i would see this the whole time, but in honesty i have only seen it properly once, that was in October 2008, in Rondane. I was actually out looking for the meteor strom that was mean to be happening but ended up photographing this instead. This is a…

Star photography

I have attempted star photography a couple of times but so far this is the most successful attempt, this is a stack of photos (about 20) each photographed for 30s at 18mm/3.5 with a nikon D7000.