Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information:

Name:René C. Castberg
Date of Birth:13 April 1978
Nationality:Norwegian and Dutch
Marital Status:Married
Address:Tiurveien 2,
1534 Moss,
Telephone:+47 98691467
E-Mail:[email protected]
Web Page:

Main Competence: Physics and Chemical Physics education. Broad experience within computing. Curious, solution and goal orientated


Jan 2009 - July 2014University of Oslo Phd in Physics in the Avanserte materialer og komplekse systemer group (see additional information)
Sept 2006 - August 2008University of OsloMasters in Condensed Matter Physics (see additional information)
Sept 1999 - June 2004University of EdinburghMasters Chemical Physics (see additional information)
Sept 1994 - June 1997\Nesbru Videregående skoleInternational Baccalaureate
British and international schools in Singapore, Malysia, England and The Netherlands

Work Experience:

Aug 2020 - presentOrange Business
was Basefarm - Data Driven Solutions
Data scientist
Aug 2014 - 2019DNV GL Researcher and data scientist
Aug 2009 - Dec 2009SmartclubWorked as sales staff for non perishable goods
Sept 2004 - Aug 2005AkerKværnerIT Support User and hardware support
June 2003 - Sept 2003Det Norske VeritasResearch department Access Database Programming
June 2000 - Sept 2002Det Norske VeritasSummer job IT Hardware Support
Sept 1998 - Sept 1999Det Norske VeritasIT Hardware Support
Jan 1998 - June 1999Asker SvømmeklubbAssistant Trainer
Sept 1997 - Sept 1998Royal Norwegian Air-forceCompulsory military service Assistant Explosive Ordnance Disposal


2017Apache Spark Tuning and Best Practices
2016Spark masterclass, Hortonworks
2016Data Science with Apache Spark
2013PADI Advanced open water diving course
2007-2014Various cooking and food related courses
2006Course in self development and carrier planning Reaktorskolen
2006Beginners course in German Level 1 (20 hours) Folkeuniversitetet
1999Diving CMAS one star (20 hours)
1998C++ Programming Royal Norwegian Air-force voksenopplæringen (50 hours)
1997Beginners Russian Royal Norwegian Air-force voksenopplæringen (40 hours)
1996Swimming Instructor Barnas Svømmeskole (20 hours)

Language Skills:

EnglishHighly Proficient
DutchHighly Proficient
NorwegianHighly Proficient


Computers, Programming, Electronics and microcontroller, Photography, Swimming, Diving, Cycling, and Cooking/food


Will be provided on request

Additional Information:

Phd in Physics:
Title of thesis: Impact of electric fields on the alignment of Clay particles
Abstract: Clay particles can be used in electro rheological fluids but their behaviour when a field is initially applied isn’t fully understood. In this work we studied the behaviour of aggregates of clay powder and how their alignment with the electric field was related to the properties of the particle and of the surrounding fluid. In addition we studied the properties of the oil droplets with either clay, polyethylene or coated beads, and how these reacted to an applied field. We also studied how the clay particles, dispersed in a paraffin wax, behave during the crystallization and melting and the time evolution of the transitions of intercalated water in the clay galleries. All the published papers are available on my website, under the Academic category.
Supervisors: Prof K. J. Måløy, Prof J. O. Fossum, Prof E. G. Flekkøy
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Courses: Science + Ethics + Society, Fractals, Statistical Methods and applications, Introduction to mechanical geomodeling, Surface and nano chemistry
Master in Condensed Matter Physics:
Description: A Master’s degree in Condensed Matter Physics encompasses the following fields: complex systems and materials, superconductivity and magneto-optical imaging, nanotechnology and mesoscopic physics, as well as electron microscopy and nanostructures.
Title of thesis: Characterisation and calibration of optical tweezers
Abstract: Using the optical tweezers, three different methods of calibrating the trap stiffness were performed: power spectrum fit, sinusoidal movement and finally a flow method. Initially in order to understand the equipment I have attempted to characterize the components of the optical tweezers. This involved measurements of laser stability, the stability of the sensors, external noise and measurements of particle size using dynamic light scattering. Initially the sinusoidal method was favoured but due to problems with reproducibility and complicated theory the flow method showed more promise. The theory behind the flow method is simple to understand and experimentally quite straightforward. Unfortunately due to time constraints further work will be required to verify this method.
Supervisor: Prof K. J. Måløy
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Courses: Mathematical methods in physics, Computational Physics II, Experimental methods in condensed matter physics, Condensed matter physics, Disordered systems and percolation and Self defined topic (Soft matter physics)
Master in Chemical Physics:
Description: The degree in Chemical Physics (MChemPhys) integrates substantial parts of Chemistry and Physics. Industrial applications involving lasers, solid state or quantum electronics and the development of materials to withstand exotic conditions are all interdisciplinary. The course is designed to produce graduates conversant with the techniques of physics and chemistry and armed with the necessary mathematical skill to work effectively at the chemistry/physics interface. The first two years are therefore spent in acquiring a broad background of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics; the third, fourth and fifth (MChemPhys) years are devoted entirely to Chemical Physics.
Title of thesis: Using Solvated Density Functional Theory to Obtain NMR spectra for Azo Dyes.
Abstract: Calculations based on Solvated NMR were performed on a number of smaller molecules as well as 3 larger dyes. The calculated data is compared to experimental results and from this it is hoped that calculated NMR spectra of azo dyes can be better understood. The solvated calculations for azo dyes are also investigated to see if they offer any improvement on gas phase calculations. These showed a close agreement when two isomers are compared with one another. For a number of molecules there was some improvement in the spectra while in general the gas phase calculation showed better agreement with experimental results
Supervisors: Dr. S. Bates and Dr. A. Jones.
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Courses: Quantum mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Physical Chemistry, Electromagnetism and inorganic chemistry, Dynamics, Atomic, nuclear and particle physics, Properties and reactions of matter, Structural methods, Macromolecular chemical physics, General chemical physics, Condensed matter physics and Atomic and molecular physics.